Trunk or Treat, Cedar Lake

Cedar Lake Town Grounds 7408 Constitution Avenue, Cedar Lake

Trunk or Treat on the Town Grounds from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm on October 12. Attendees are encouraged to come dressed in their costumes to visit different vehicles that will be full of treats. All children participating will receive a goody bag. Stop by the Town's welcome booth and enter for a chance to win a [...]

Share the Harvest Benefit Dinner 

Holy Name Church (gymnasium) 11000 W. 133rd, Cedar Lake

Benefit Dinner for Project Love Food Pantry in Cedar Lake and Saints Monica and Luke Soup Kitchen in Gary.  Appetizer Hour, Multi-Course Buffet, and Fr. Mike in the Kitchen! Holy Name Gym, 11000 W. 133rd St on Saturday, October 12, 2019. Doors open 6:00pm, Dinner at 7:00pm.  $75 per person; Reserved Tables for Eight — Program Mention [...]
